Saturday, January 18, 2014

Today it changes. I have been inspired. I have a goal. Size 12 by 4th of July. I have a mini goal to run a 5k by March 22nd.

What have I done towards this goal?
 Made a plan.
First I have dedicated myself to going to a gym that is dedicated to my goals. I have found a strong supportive group who help build me up and keep me going. I have all the strength and support from isi elite training. Iron sharpens iron and it is true. My fellow bootcampers have pushed me further than I could myself.  Second, I have a food plan. I will be using an app to keep track of my food and keeping a food diary. Gone will be the diet soda. No artificial sweeteners. More water!!!!  Third, I am keeping this blog. I want to record my process as my life changes. It changes now is my motto. I am not going to let my unhealthy life ruin my future. I am seizing this moment and changing. This is a promise to myself.

I believe with my plan and strong support there is no choice but to succeed!